

  • Icons

    Best icon ever 

    You will find here all icon desktop themes and
    individual icons for Mac, Windows or Linux.

  • Wallpapers

    Wallpapers for all devices in the market. Ultra high definition backgrounds for Mac, Windows,Linux, iOS or Android .

  • Interfaces

    With the introduction of the Windows desktop operating system,
    Microsoft brought a native skinning system to the end user.
    Visual Styles are as fast as the default setting of Windows but with a better style.

  • DesktopX

    We call all our DesktopX themes "Scenarios".
    You will feel like you are in the real future. 
    DesktopX by Stardock.

  • Others

    Other cool stuff to customize your computer system. Screensavers, object dock themes, cursors and more.

  • Services

    Professional graphic design and 3D art services.

  • Combos

    Combinations of many products in the store with reduced price.

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